Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Reading Challenges and Cheating

I was talking to someone online today. He's not really a friend or anybody I know, just an acquaintance. He suggested a book to read, and when I told him I would read it, but later on in the week, he asked why.

So I told him about my reading challenges. I told him that I didn't want to start it into 2010, since it was a long book and work well for by Pages Read challenge, but I also wanted it to count in my YA challenge and 100+ Challenge.

"Well, you can start it now and just say that you started it on January 1st."

Of course I was shocked. I've never been a cheater, it goes against my beliefs.

"No one would know."

But I would.

So it got me thinking. Does everyone this like that? And why? Why would you cheat on a reading challenge when you'd only be cheating yourself? And if you want to cheat yourself that's fine I guess...but what's the point?

Now I seriously doubt that most people cheat on the reading challenges. Because, like I said, you are only cheating yourself. But I thought I'd share that with you anyway. because, honestly, cheating will get you nowhere in the end.

1 comment:

  1. You're right. It's only cheating on yourself. There is no reading challenge police to fine you.

    Happy New Year!
